
Occupational Injuries

An occupational injury is any injury which results from a work incident or from a single instantaneous exposure in the work environment. Conditions resulting from one-time exposure to chemicals or the aggravation of pre-existing medical conditions or previous injuries are also considered to be injuries. Injuries and fatalities that occur while the worker is onsite at the offshore installation or vessel and off duty/off-shift are included. Self-inflicted injuries or fatalities are not included. Note: IRF (; OSH 15.1 and OSH (NS) Element 2, Part 15, Section 15.1. Injuries that occur while a person is in transit to and from the offshore installation, vessel or aircraft are included (i.e. from the time a person boards a support craft prior to their hitch to the time they debark the support craft at the end of their hitch). There are four classifications of occupational injury for the purpose of these guidelines. They are as follows:

Major Injury

An occupational injury that results in one or more of the following:

• Amputation: Includes whole or partial amputation of parts of the body (does not include loss of fleshy tip of finger, nail, or tooth);

• Skeletal injuries: Includes bone fractures (including chipped or cracked bone or hairline fracture) and dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine. They do not include fractures to fingers, toes, or a broken nose;

• Burns: Only if the injured person becomes unconscious, is admitted to the hospital, or requires resuscitation;

• Injuries to internal organs: Only if the injured person becomes unconscious, is admitted to the hospital, or requires resuscitation;

• Eye injuries resulting in loss of sight (permanent or temporary);

• Eye injuries resulting from a penetrating eye injury or a chemical or hot metal burn to the eye;

• Any acute illness caused by exposure to chemicals or biological agents or anything that produces a significant negative physiological effect e.g. decompression illness, loss of hearing, and radiation sickness;

• Hypothermia or heat induced illness (unconsciousness);

• Any injury resulting in unconsciousness, resuscitation, or admittance to the hospital. Note: IRF (

Lost/Restricted Workday Injury

An occupational injury other than a “Major Injury” which results in a person being unfit for work on any day after the day of occurrence of the injury or unfit for full performance of the regular job on any day after the injury. Any day includes rest days, weekend days, leave days, public holidays, or days after ceasing employment. Note: 50 IRF ( ); OSH (NL) 15.4; OSH (NS) Element 2, Part 15, Section 15.4; INST 70; DPR 76(1); DVR 6 (j); GR 27.

Medical Treatment Injury

Cases that are not severe enough to be reported as lost/restricted workday cases but are more severe than requiring simple first aid treatment are considered to be medical treatment injuries. Note: IRF (; OSH (NL) 15.1 and OSH (NS) Element 2, Part 15, Section 15.1.

First Aid Injury

Cases that are not sufficiently serious to be reported as medical treatment or more serious cases but nevertheless require minor first aid treatment, e.g. dressing on a minor cut, removal of a splinter from a finger are considered to be first aid injuries. Note: IRF  ( ;  OSH (NL) 15.1 and OSH (NS) Element 2, Part 15, Section 15.1.

Source: Incident Reporting and Investigation Guidelines, The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, November 30, 2012. Regulatory Guidance

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