
Active Substance

“Active Substance” means a substance or organism, including a virus or a fungus, that has a general or specific action on or against Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens.

Source: International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004. Legislation


Active Substances

Active Substances – means a substance or organism, including a virus or a fungus that has a general or specific action on or against Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens.

Source: Resolution MEPC.174(58), revised Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems (G8), 10 October 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance

Source: Resolution MEPC.169(57), revised Procedure for approval of ballast water management systems that make use of Active Substances (G9), 4 April 2008, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance

Source: Resolution MEPC.140(54), Guidelines for approval and oversight of prototype ballast water treatment technology programmes (G10), 24 March 2006, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance

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