CNG Station

CNG Station


CNG Station

“CNG station” means filling station where one or more dispensing units are provided for sale of compressed natural gas. Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation
CO2 Storage Complex

CO2 Storage Complex


CO2 Storage Complex

CO2 storage complex: storage reservoir for CO2 and the surrounding geological areas that may have an impact on the general integrity of the storage and the safety thereof.

Source: Mining Act of the Netherlands, Netherlands, 2003 (as amended up to 2012). Legislation
COAG Reform Fund

COAG Reform Fund


COAG Reform Fund

COAG Reform Fund means the COAG Reform Fund established by section 5 of the COAG Reform Fund Act 2008. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation
Coastal Cargo

Coastal Cargo


Coastal Cargo

Coastal cargo has the same meaning as in section 198(6) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994. Source: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Public Act 1992 No 96, New Zealand, as of 1 July 2011. Legislation
Coastal Waters

Coastal Waters


Coastal waters

Coastal waters, in relation to a State or the Northern Territory, means so much of the scheduled area for the State or Territory as consists of:
  1. the territorial sea; and
  2. any waters that are:
    1. on the landward side of the territorial sea; and
    2. not within the limits of the State or Territory.
For this purpose, assume that the breadth of the territorial sea of Australia had never been determined or declared to be greater than 3 nautical miles, but had continued to be 3 nautical miles. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  

Coastal waters

Waters under tidal influence and waters of the open Gulf of Mexico. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations
Combined Operation

Combined Operation


Combined Operation

An operation carried out from one facility with another facility or facilities that materially affects safety of persons or the protection of the environment on any or all of the affected facilities [e.g. a lift boat or self-elevating mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) working over a fixed platform]. on the basis of relevant available information and informed professional judgment.

Source: API  Bulletin 97, Well Construction Interface Document Guidelines, First Edition, December 2013. Global Standards

Combined Operation

'Combined Operation' means an operation carried out from an installation with another installation or installations for purposes related to the other installation(s) which thereby materially affects the risks to the safety of persons or the protection of the environment on any or all of the installations. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Combined Operation

For the purposes of these Regulations, an installation other than a production installation, the operation of which has not been treated as having commenced in accordance with paragraph (2) of regulation 7, shall be treated as engaged in a combined operation with another such installation or other such installations if an activity carried out from, by means of or on, that installation is carried out temporarily for a purpose related to the other installation or installations and could affect the health or safety of persons on the other installation or installations, and the expression “combined operation” shall be construed accordingly. Source: The Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 2005, UK S.I. 2005/3117, 2005. Regulations  

Combined Operation

Also called SIMOPS (Simultaneous Operations). Source: Guidance Notes on Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (India), 2012. Regulatory Guidance  

Combined Operation

In this regulation, combined operation means an operation where 2 or more installations carry out a temporary operation concurrently at the same location or, in the case of an offshore installation, within 500 metres of each other. Source: Health and Safety in Employment (Petroleum Exploration and Extraction) Regulations 2013, SR 2013/208, New Zealand, as of May 2013. Regulations  

Combined Operation

“Combined operation” means more than one activity such as drilling, production, workover operation, construction, rig move, etc., being undertaken at the same place or in the vicinity at the same time. Source: Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008, India, 18th June 2008. Regulations  

Gecombineerde activiteit (Dutch)

„gecombineerde activiteit”: een activiteit die wordt uitgevoerd vanaf een installatie samen met een andere installatie of andere installaties ten behoeve van aan de andere installatie(s) gerelateerde doeleinden, waarbij de risico’s voor de veiligheid van personen of de bescherming van het milieu op één of alle installaties aanzienlijk worden beïnvloed. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Opération combinée (French)

«opération combinée», une opération menée à partir d’une installation conjointement avec une ou plusieurs autres installations à des fins liées à ces autres installations et qui, de ce fait, modifie sensiblement les risques pour la sécurité des personnes ou la protection de l’environnement dans l’une ou dans l’ensemble de ces installations. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Kombineret drift (Danish)

»kombineret drift«: en aktivitet, som udføres fra et anlæg sammen med et eller flere andre anlæg, og hvis formål vedrører det eller de andre anlæg, og som derved i betydelig grad påvirker sikkerhedsrisikoen for personer eller beskyttelsen af miljøet på et, flere eller alle anlæg. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Operación combinada (Spanish)

«operación combinada»: una operación realizada a partir de una instalación conjuntamente con una o varias otras instalaciones con fines relativos a estas otras instalaciones y que, por tanto, modifique sensiblemente el riesgo para la seguridad de las personas o la protección del medio ambiente en alguna o en todas las instalaciones. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Operațiune combinată (Romanian)

„operațiune combinată” înseamnă o operațiune efectuată de pe o instalație împreună cu o altă instalație sau alte instalații în scopuri legate de cealaltă (celelalte) instalație (instalații) și care afectează substanțial riscurile pentru siguranța persoanelor sau protecția mediului de pe oricare dintre instalații sau de pe toate instalațiile în cauză. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

kombinierter Betrieb (German)

„kombinierter Betrieb“ Betriebsabläufe, die von einer Anlage zusammen mit einer anderen Anlage oder anderen Anlagen für Zwecke durchgeführt werden, die mit der bzw. den anderen Anlagen zusammenhängen, und die sich dadurch erheblich auf die Risiken für die Sicherheit von Personen oder den Schutz der Umwelt auf einer oder allen Anlagen auswirken. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

συνδυασμένες εργασίες (Greek)

«συνδυασμένες εργασίες» σημαίνει τις εργασίες οι οποίες εκτελούνται από εγκατάσταση από κοινού με άλλη εγκατάσταση ή εγκαταστάσεις για σκοπούς συναφείς με την άλλη εγκατάσταση ή εγκαταστάσεις και επηρεάζουν ουσιωδώς τους κινδύνους για την ασφάλεια προσώπων ή την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος σε μια ή σε όλες τις εγκαταστάσεις. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Operazione combinata (Italian)

«operazione combinata»: un’operazione effettuata da un impianto in combinazione con uno o più altri impianti per finalità relative all’altro o agli altri impianti, che incide materialmente sui rischi per la sicurezza delle persone o la tutela dell’ambiente per uno o per tutti gli impianti. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Działalność połączona (Polish)

„działalność połączona” oznacza działalność prowadzoną z danej instalacji w połączeniu z inną instalacją lub instalacjami do celów związanych z tą inną instalacją (tymi innymi instalacjami), co istotnie wpływa na ryzyko dla bezpieczeństwa ludzi lub ochrony środowiska na którejkolwiek z tych instalacji lub na wszystkich tych instalacjach. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Operação combinada (Portuguese)

«Operação combinada», uma operação realizada a partir de uma instalação em conjunto com outra ou outras instalações, para fins relacionados com essas outras instalações e que, desse modo, afeta materialmente os riscos para a segurança das pessoas ou a proteção do ambiente numa das instalações ou em todas elas. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation

 Kombinerad Verksamhet (Swedish)

en verksamhet som utförs från en anläggning tillsammans med en eller flera andra anläggningar för syften som rör den eller de andra anläggningarna och som därmed i betydande grad påverkar säkerhetsriskerna för personer eller miljöskyddet vid en eller samtliga anläggningar. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Yhdistetyllä Toiminnalla (FINISH)

tarkoitetaan toimintaa, joka toteutetaan laitteistolla toisen laitteiston tai toisten laitteistojen kanssa tähän toiseen laitteistoon tai näihin toisiin laitteistoihin liittyvistä syistä, jolloin toiminta käytännössä vaikuttaa henkilöiden turvallisuuteen liittyviin riskeihin tai ympäristönsuojeluun missä tahansa näistä laitteistoista tai kaikilla näillä laitteistoilla. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Skupna Dejavnost (Slovenian)

pomeni dejavnost, ki se opravlja z ene naprave skupaj z drugo napravo ali napravami za namene, povezane z drugo napravo ali napravami, zaradi česar bistveno vpliva na tveganje za varnost oseb ali varstvo okolja na eni od teh naprav ali na vseh napravah. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

kombinované operácie (slovak)

sú operácie vykonávané zo zariadenia s iným zariadením alebo zariadeniami na účely súvisiace s takýmto iným zariadením (inými zariadeniami), ktorými sa preto podstatne ovplyvňujú riziká bezpečnosti osôb alebo ochrany životného prostredia na niektorom alebo všetkých takýchto zariadeniach. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

mišri operacija (Lithuanian)

peracija, kuri atliekama iš įrenginio su kitu įrenginiu ar įrenginiais, siekiant su kitu (-ais) įrenginiu (-ais) susijusių tikslų, ir dėl kurios bet kuriame įrenginyje ar visuose įrenginiuose iš esmės padidėja rizika asmenų saugai arba aplinkos apsaugai. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

együttes üzemeltetés (hungarian)

valamely létesítményről más létesítménnyel (létesítményekkel) együtt végzett tevékenység ez utóbbi létesítménnyel (létesítményekkel) kapcsolatos céllal oly módon, amelynek következtében a személyi biztonsági vagy a környezetvédelmi kockázat a létesítmények bármelyikén vagy mindegyikén lényegesen megváltozik. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

operazzjoni kombinata (Maltese)

tfisser operazzjoni mwettqa minn installazzjoni ma’ installazzjoni jew installazzjonijiet oħra għal finijiet relatati mal-installazzjoni(jiet) l-oħra li b’hekk taffettwa materjalment ir-riskji għas-sikurezza tal-persuni jew il-ħarsien tal-ambjent fi kwalunkwe waħda mill-installazzjoni jew fl-installazzjonijiet kollha. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

apvienota darbība (Latvian)

ir darbība, ko veic no kādas iekārtas ar citu iekārtu vai iekārtām, lai īstenotu ar citu(-ām) iekārtu(-ām) saistītus mērķus, un kas tādējādi būtiski ietekmē cilvēku drošuma vai vides aizsardzības riskus uz kādas no šīm iekārtām vai uz visām šīm iekārtām. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

kombineeritud käitamine (Estonian)

protsess, mida teostatakse rajatises koos ühe või mitme muu rajatisega eesmärgil, mis on seotud muu rajatisega ning mis seega mõjutab olulisel määral ühes või mitmes rajatises töötavate isikute ohutuse või rajatise keskkonnakaitse suhtes avalduvaid riske. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

kombinovanou činností (Czech)

činnost prováděná ze zařízení spolu s jiným zařízením nebo jinými zařízeními pro účely spojené s jiným zařízením nebo jinými zařízeními, která tak významně ovlivňuje rizika pro bezpečnost osob nebo ochranu životního prostředí na některém nebo na všech těchto zařízeních. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

комбинирана дейност (Bulgarian)

означава дейност, осъществявана от инсталация съвместно с друга инсталация или инсталации за цели, свързани с другата или другите инсталации, която оказва съществено въздействие върху рисковете за безопасността на хората или опазването на околната среда на някоя инсталация или на всички тях. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation
Combustible Material

Combustible Material


Combustible Material

Combustible material is any material other than a non-combustible material. <Chapter II-2, part A, regulation 3>. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.99(73), amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, 5 December 2000, International Maritime Organization. Legislation
Commencement of Commercial Production of Petroleum

Commencement of Commercial Production of Petroleum


Commencement of Commercial Production of Petroleum

“Commencement of commercial production of petroleum” means the earlier of
  1. the date designated by the Federal Minister as the first day on which a volume of gas equal to four million cubic metres or a volume equivalent thereto of natural gas liquids or oil, as determined by the Minister of Finance in accordance with the regulations, has, during that day, flowed through the first sales meter for sale and delivery, and
  2. the date designated by the Provincial Minister; début de la production commercial d’hydrocarbures.
Source: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 28, Canada, current to May 26, 2013. Legislation
Commercial Discovery

Commercial Discovery


Commercial Discovery

“Commercial discovery” means a discovery of petroleum that has been demonstrated to contain petroleum reserves that justify the investment of capital and effort to bring the discovery to production; découverte exploitable. Source:  Canada Petroleum Resources Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 36 (2nd Supp.), current to April 29, 2013. Legislation Source: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 28, Canada, current to May 26, 2013. Legislation
Commercial Discovery Area

Commercial Discovery Area


Commercial Discovery Area

“Commercial discovery area” means, in relation to a declaration of commercial discovery made pursuant to subsection 35(1) or (2), those frontier lands described in the declaration; périmètre de découverte exploitable. Source:  Canada Petroleum Resources Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 36 (2nd Supp.), current to April 29, 2013. Legislation Source: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 28, Canada, current to May 26, 2013. Legislation




"Commission" means the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Source: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Definitions, Alaska Admin. Code tit. 20, § 25.990, December 7, 2012. Regulations


"Commission" means the Industrial Commission. Source: Control of Oil and Gas Resources, North Dakota Century Code, Title 38, Chapter 8, February 2013. Legislation  


"Commission" means the Corporation Commission of the State of Oklahoma. Source: Corporation Commission, Oil and Gas Conservation, Oklahoma Administrative Code 165:10, February 2013. Regulations  


COMMISSION shall mean the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado. Source: Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Practice and Procedure, Code of Colorado Regulations, 2 CCR 404-1, February 2013. Regulations  


“Commission” means the Oil Conservation Commission. Source: Oil and Gas, New Mexico Administrative Code Title 19, Chapter 15, January 2013. Regulations  


The Railroad Commission of Texas. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


The Railroad Commission of Texas or its designee. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


The Railroad Commission of Texas or its authorized representative. Source: Oil and Gas Division, Texas Administrative Code, Title 16, Chapter 3, February 2013. Regulations  


"Commission" means the State of Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Commission. Source: State of Wyoming Occupational Safety and Health Rules and Regulations for Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Revised January 8, 2013. Regulations          
Commission of Inquiry

Commission of Inquiry


Commission of inquiry

Commission of inquiry means an inquiry conducted, or to be conducted, by a person appointed under section 780A. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation




Commissioner means a person appointed under section 780A. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  


Commissioner―the Commissioner of Conservation of the State of Louisiana. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations  


Commissioner―the Commissioner of Conservation. Source: Natural Resources, Office of Conservation – General Operations, Louisiana Administrative Code, Title 43, Part XIX, March 2013. Regulations




“Committee” means the Oil and Gas Committee established by section 6; Comité. Source: Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. O-7, Canada, current to April 29, 2013. Legislation  


“Committee” means the Oil and Gas Committee established pursuant to section 145; Comité. Source: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 28, Canada, current to May 26, 2013. Legislation  


In this section, “Committee” means the Oil and Gas Committee established by the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act. Source:  Canada Petroleum Resources Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 36 (2nd Supp.), current to April 29, 2013. Legislation  


An occupational health and safety committee comprised of employer and worker representatives whose primary role is to monitor the health, safety and welfare of workers at the workplace. Note: 5 C-NAAIA 152; Section 37 of the Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Act; C-NLOPB Other Requirements Respecting Occupational Health & Safety and OSH (NS) Element 1, Part 5. Source: Incident Reporting and Investigation Guidelines, The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board and Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, November 30, 2012. Regulatory Guidance  


"Committee" means the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the Organization. Source: International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001. Legislation Source: International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004. Legislation  


“Committee” means the Petroleum Committee. Source: Law of Information Energy, Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 (1971), Thailand, as of June 2013. Legislation  


“Committee” means a joint occupational health and safety committee. Source:  Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Occupational Health & Safety Requirements, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, December 2000. Regulations  


“Committee” has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.N.S. 1985 C.3, as amended. Source:  Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Occupational Health & Safety Requirements, Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, Canada, December 2000. Regulations  


Technical committee soil movement. Source: Mining Act of the Netherlands, Netherlands, 2003 (as amended up to 2012). Legislation
Common Carrier

Common Carrier


Common Carrier

“Common carrier” means such pipelines for transportation of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas by more than one entity as the Board may declare or authorize from time to time on a non- discriminatory open access basis under sub- section (3) of section 20, but does not include pipelines laid to supply-
  1. petroleum products or natural gas to a specific consumer; or
  2. crude oil; Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause, a contract carrier shall be treated as a common carrier, if-
  3. such contract carrier has surplus capacity over and above the firm contracts entered into; or
  4. the firm contract period has expired.
Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation
Commonwealth Maritime Legislation

Commonwealth Maritime Legislation


Commonwealth maritime legislation

Commonwealth maritime legislation has the same meaning as in section 640. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  

Commonwealth maritime legislation

Commonwealth maritime legislation means:
  1. the Navigation Act 1912; and
  2. the Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993; and
  3. any subordinate legislation under either of those Acts.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation
Commonwealth Title

Commonwealth Title


Commonwealth title

Commonwealth title means:
  1. a petroleum exploration permit; or
  2. a petroleum retention lease; or
  3. a petroleum production licence; or
  4. an infrastructure licence; or
  5. a pipeline licence.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  

Commonwealth title

Commonwealth title means:
  1. a greenhouse gas assessment permit; or
  2. a greenhouse gas holding lease; or
  3. a greenhouse gas injection licence.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation
Commonwealth Waters

Commonwealth Waters


Commonwealth waters

Commonwealth waters has the meaning given by section 643 of the Act. Note In section 643 of the Act, the definition of Commonwealth waters refers to offshore areas. Offshore area is defined in section 7 of the Act. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety) Regulations 2009 (Select Legislative Instrument 2009 No. 382 as amended), Australia, prepared on 1 January 2012. Regulations  

Commonwealth waters

Commonwealth waters means the waters of the sea that comprise the offshore areas of each State and of each Territory. Note: The offshore area of a State or Territory is defined by section 8. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation  

Commonwealth waters

Commonwealth waters has the same meaning as in Part 6.9 of this Act. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation




The owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management Code. Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1580, GUIDELINES FOR VESSELS AND UNITS WITH DYNAMIC POSITIONING (DP) SYSTEMS, 16 June 2017, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  


Company means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management Code. Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1580, GUIDELINES FOR VESSELS AND UNITS WITH DYNAMIC POSITIONING (DP) SYSTEMS, 16 June 2017, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance


In this section, “company” has the same meaning as is assigned to the expression “insurance company” by the Nova Scotia Insurance Premiums Tax Act. Source: Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, S.C. 1988, c. 28, Canada, current to May 26, 2013. Legislation


“Company” means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management Code. Note: Refer to the ISM Code adopted by the Organization by resolution A.741(18), as amended. Source: International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, Legislation  


Company means the owner of the Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the MOU from the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibilities imposed on the company by these recommendations. Source: IMO Resolution A.1079(28), Recommendations for the Training and Certification of Personnel on Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs), Adopted on 4 December 2013, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory Guidance


Company means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management Code. Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1251, Guidelines on the control of ships in an emergency, 19 October 2007, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  


Company means company as defined in SOLAS regulation IX/1.2 . Source: IMO MSC.1/Circ.1392, Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems, 27 May 2011, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory guidance  


Company means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner and who on assuming such responsibility has agreed to take over all the duties and responsibility imposed by the Code. Source: Resolution A.741(18), International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code), 4  November 1993, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory guidance Source: IMO resolution A.1021(26), Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters, 18 January 2010, International Maritime Organization, Regulatory Guidance  


A public, private or national legal entity comprising a business or group of businesses, including consolidated affiliates/subsidiaries. Source: IOGP Report No. 510, Operating Management System Framework for controlling risk and delivering high performance in the oil and gas industry, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, June 2014. Global Standards


“Company” means a limited company and any juristic person of status equivalent to a limited company, whether incorporated under Thai or foreign law. Source: Law of Information Energy, Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 (1971), Thailand, as of June 2013. Legislation  


Company “Company” includes (a) a person having authority under a Special Act to construct or operate a pipeline, and (b) a body corporate incorporated or continued under the Canada Business Corporations Act and not discontinued under that Act; compagnie. Source: National Energy Board Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. N-7, Canada, current to April 29, 2013. Legislation  


References in the Guidelines to a ‘company’ may be taken to refer to a particular facility or division operating a local HSEMS, as well to the corporate HSEMS. Most of these Guidelines refer to an operating organization directly responsible for HSE management and performance. ‘Company’ also includes any contracting organisation which provides services to the E&P industry, and which wishes to develop and operate an HSEMS following these Guidelines. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  


An organisation engaged, as principal or contractor, directly or indirectly, in the exploration for and production of oil and/or gas. For bodies or establishments with more than one site, a single site may be defined as a company. Source: OGP Report No. 6.36/210, Guidelines for the Development and Application of Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, July 1994. Global Standards  


When designated with a capital C or “the Company”, refers to the specific oil & gas industry company reporting the KPIs. The Company may be an OGP member and its reporting boundary should include its divisions and its consolidated affiliates/subsidiaries. For guidance on general reporting boundaries, please see reference 17 (Oil and Gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reports), Appendix A (Detailed guidance on developing a reporting boundary). Source: OGP Report No. 456, Process Safety – Recommended Practice on Key Performance Indicators, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers, November 2011. Global Standards  


"Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization or person such as the manager or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner of the ship and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over all duties and responsibilities imposed by the International Safety Management (ISM) Code. Source: Resolution MEPC.195(61), 2010 Guidelines for Survey and Certification of Anti-fouling Systemson Ships, 1 October 2010, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  


"Company" means the owner of the ship or any other organization of person such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the shipowner. Source: Source: Resolution MEPC.213(63), 2012 Guidelines for the development of a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), 2 March 2012, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  


"Company" means any body corporate and includes a firm or other association of individuals. Source: The Oil Industry (Development) Act, 1974, Act No. 47 of 1974, India, as amended as of May 2013. Legislation
Company and Director

Company and Director


Company and Director

For the purpose of this section,-
  1. “company” means any body corporate and includes a firm or other association of individuals; and
  2. “director”, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm.
Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation
Competent Authority

Competent Authority


Competent Authority

“Competent Authority” means any person or authority authorized by the Central Government, by notification the Official Gazette, to perform the functions of the Competent Authority under this act and different persons or authorities may be authorized to perform all or any of the functions of the Competent Authority under this Act in the same area or different area specified in the notification. Source: The Petroleum Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) Act, 1962, Act No. 50 of 1962, India, as amended as of May 2013. Legislation

Competent Authority

'Competent Authority' means the public authority, appointed pursuant to this Directive and responsible for the duties assigned to it in this Directive. The competent authority may be comprised of one or more public bodies. Source: DIRECTIVE 2013/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 June 2013 on safety of offshore oil and gas operations and amending Directive 2004/35/EC. Legislation  

Competent Authority

“Competent authority” means authority, appointed by the Central Government for implementation of these rules. Source: Petroleum and Natural Gas (Safety in Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008, India, 18th June 2008. Regulations  

Bevoegde autoriteit (Dutch)

„bevoegde autoriteit”: de overheidsinstantie die aangesteld is op grond van deze richtlijn en belast is met de haar krachtens deze richtlijn opgedragen taken. De bevoegde autoriteit kan uit een of meer overheidsorganen bestaan.1  

Autorité compétente (French)

«autorité compétente», les pouvoirs publics désignés en vertu de la présente directive et responsables des tâches qui lui sont assignées par la présente directive. L’autorité compétente peut se composer d’un ou de plusieurs organismes publics.1  

Kompetent myndighed (Danish)

»kompetent myndighed«: den offentlige myndighed, der er udnævnt i henhold til dette direktiv, og som er ansvarlig for de opgaver, der er pålagt den i dette direktiv. Den kompetente myndighed kan bestå af et eller flere offentlige organer.1  

Autoridad competente (Spanish)

«autoridad competente»: la autoridad pública designada en virtud de la presente Directiva y responsable de las funciones que le asigna la presente Directiva. La autoridad competente podrá constar de uno o de varios organismos públicos.1  

Autoritate competentă (Romanian)

„autoritate competentă” înseamnă autoritatea publică desemnată în temeiul prezentei directive și care este responsabilă pentru atribuțiile conferite prin prezenta directivă. Autoritatea competentă poate fi compusă dintr-unul sau mai multe organisme.1  

Zuständige Behörde (German)

„zuständige Behörde“ die Behörde, die gemäß dieser Richtlinie benannt wird und für die Aufgaben verantwortlich ist, die ihr mit dieser Richtlinie übertragen werden. Die zuständige Behörde kann eine oder mehrere öffentliche Stellen umfassen.1  

αρμόδια αρχή (Greek)

«αρμόδια αρχή» σημαίνει τη δημόσια αρχή που διορίζεται σύμφωνα με την παρούσα οδηγία και είναι υπεύθυνη για τα καθήκοντα που της ανατίθενται δυνάμει της παρούσας οδηγίας. Η αρμόδια αρχή μπορεί να απαρτίζεται από έναν ή περισσότερους δημόσιους φορείς.1  

Autorità competente (Italian)

«autorità competente»: l’autorità pubblica nominata a norma della presente direttiva e responsabile dei compiti assegnati dalla presente direttiva. L’autorità competente può essere costituita da uno o più organismi pubblici.1  

Właściwy organ (Polish)

„właściwy organ” oznacza organ publiczny wyznaczony na podstawie niniejszej dyrektywy i pełniący obowiązki przydzielone mu w niniejszej dyrektywie. Właściwy organ może być złożony z jednej lub większej liczby jednostek publicznych.1  

Autoridade competente (Portuguese)

«Autoridade competente», a autoridade pública designada nos termos da presente diretiva responsável pelas funções que lhe são atribuídas pela presente diretiva. A autoridade competente pode ser constituída por um ou mais organismos públicos.1  

Behörig myndighet (Swedish)

behörig myndighet: den myndighet som har utsetts enligt detta direktiv och som ansvarar för de uppgifter som den tilldelats genom detta direktiv. Den behöriga myndigheten kan bestå av ett eller flera offentliga organ.1  

Toimivaltaisella viranomaisella (Finnish)

’toimivaltaisella viranomaisella’ tarkoitetaan tämän direktiivin nojalla nimitettyä viranomaista, joka vastaa tässä direktiivissä sille osoitetuista tehtävistä. Toimivaltainen viranomainen voi muodostua yhdestä tai useammasta julkisesta elimestä.1  

Pristojni organ (Slovenian)

„pristojni organ“ pomeni javni organ, imenovan v skladu s to direktivo in odgovoren za naloge, dodeljene s to direktivo. Pristojni organ je lahko sestavljen iz enega ali več javnih organov.1  

Príslušný orgán (Slovak)

„príslušný orgán“ je orgán verejnej moci určený podľa tejto smernice zodpovedný za úlohy, ktoré mu sú pridelené v tejto smernici. Príslušný orgán sa môže skladať z jedného alebo viacerých orgánov verejnej moci.1  

Kompetentinga valdžios institucija (Lithuanian)

kompetentinga valdžios institucija – pagal šią direktyvą paskirta valdžios institucija, atsakinga už pagal šią direktyvą jai pavestas pareigas. Kompetentingą valdžios instituciją gali sudaryti viena ar daugiau viešųjų įstaigų.1  

Illetékes hatóság (Hungarian)

„illetékes hatóság”: az ezen irányelv szerint kijelölt és az ezen irányelv szerint ráruházott feladatokért felelős hatóság. Az illetékes hatóságot egy vagy több közjogi szerv alkothatja.1  

Awtorità kompetenti (Maltese)

‧awtorità kompetenti‧ tfisser l-awtorità pubblika, nominata skont din id-Direttiva u li hija responsabbli għad-dmirijiet mogħtija lilha f'din id-Direttiva. L-awtorità kompetenti tista’ tkun magħmula minn korp pubbliku wieħed jew aktar.1  

Kompetentā iestāde (Latvian)

“kompetentā iestāde” ir publiska iestāde, kas iecelta, ievērojot šo direktīvu, un kas ir atbildīga par uzdevumiem, kuri tai uzticēti ar šo direktīvu. Kompetentā iestāde var ietvert vienu vai vairākas publiskas iestādes.1  

Pädev asutus (Estonian)

„pädev asutus”– vastavalt käesolevale direktiivile määratud ja talle käesoleva direktiivi alusel omistatud ülesannete eest vastutav avaliku sektori asutus. Pädev asutus võib hõlmata üht või mitut avaliku sektori asutust.1  

Příslušným orgánem (Czech)

„příslušným orgánem“ orgán veřejné moci určený podle této směrnice a pověřený výkonem úkolů, které pro něj stanoví tato směrnice. Příslušný orgán může být tvořen jedním nebo více orgány veřejné správy.1  

компетентен орган (Bulgarian)

„компетентен орган“ означава публичният орган, определен съгласно настоящата директива и отговарящ за изпълнението на задълженията, възложени му с настоящата директива. Компетентният орган може да се състои от една или повече публични структури.1  

Competent Authority

Competent authority means an organization authorized by the Administration to perform functions required by this Code. Source: IMO Resolution MSC.307(88), International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 (2010 FTP Code), 3 December 2010, International Maritime Organization. Regulatory Guidance  
Competent Officers

Competent Officers


Competent officers

“Competent officers” means those who have been appointed by the Minister to execute this Act. Source: Law of Information Energy, Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 (1971), Thailand, as of June 2013. Legislation
Completed Review

Completed Review


Completed review

For the purposes of this section, a review is completed when the report of the review is made available to the responsible Commonwealth Minister. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation
Compliance Order

Compliance Order


Compliance Order

Compliance order means an order made under section 137 of the Employment Relations Act 2000. Source: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Public Act 1992 No 96, New Zealand, as of 1 July 2011. Legislation
Comprehensive Study

Comprehensive Study


Comprehensive Study

“Comprehensive study” means an environmental assessment that is conducted pursuant to sections 21 and 21.1, and that includes a consideration of the factors required to be considered pursuant to subsections 16(1) and (2); étude approfondie. Source: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1992, c. 37, Canada, as consolidated November 2003. Legislation
Comprehensive Study List

Comprehensive Study List


Comprehensive Study List

“Comprehensive study list” means a list of all projects or classes of projects that have been prescribed pursuant to regulations made under paragraph 58(d); liste d'étude approfondie. Source: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1992, c. 37, Canada, as consolidated November 2003. Legislation
Compressed Natural Gas or CNG

Compressed Natural Gas or CNG


Compressed Natural Gas or CNG

“Compressed natural gas or CNG” means natural gas used as fuel for vehicles, typically compressed to the pressure ranging from 200 to 250 bars in the gaseous state. Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation




Construct includes place. Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation    


Construct, in relation to a well, includes:
  1. drill, bore, or otherwise make, the well; and
  2. install any well-related equipment associated with the well.
Source: Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006, Australia, amended 2012. Legislation




“Constructed” in respect of a ship means a stage of construction where: 1.   the keel is laid; or 2.   construction identifiable with the specific ship begins; 3.   assembly of the ship has commenced comprising at least 50 tonnes or 1 percent of the estimated mass of all structural material, whichever is less; or 4.   the ship undergoes a major conversion. Source: International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004, Legislation
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum


Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum

For the purposes of this sub- section, the expression “consumer disputes redressal forum” shall mean the district forum, State Commission or, the National Commission, as the case may be, constituted under the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (68 of 1986 ). Source: The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006, No. 19 of 2006, India, amended as of May 2013. Legislation